Monday, May 6, 2013

Pictures and Updates!

Mark and I had heard that there was a replica of Tower bridge in London....and we set out to find it. Of course, our trusty driver/ "go-to guy" Mr. Shen knew where it was. Yep...a total replica of it in the city of Suzhou! There is also a photo of my handsome husband in front of a statue of lions. 

Garden visits are always interesting and make for pretty pictures!
Playing poker? Heck yes! I had an OUTSTANDING month in January in the Poker Club. I ranked number 1 and was rewarded with the "yellow bangle." This is awarded to the top performer of the month. I was also the first female to achieve this honor. I am still performing well, as I am currently ranked in the top 10. Let's hope this continues...I am having fun! :)
I am also still playing mahjong on Tuesdays as well. In this gathering, I am not fairing well, but it still is a lot of fun and a great way to meet other expat ladies and socialize.

There is also the EAS lunches. These are fun and entertaining. We check out local restaurants and have lunch and visit with one another. Another great way to meet some ladies you haven't had the opportunity to meet and chat with. 

Group photo of our trip to Cohngyuan Temple. It was a great day and very interesting place. I hope to post pictures in a future post of the HUGE Buddha "Goddess of Mercy" It was amazing. I am having issues with these particular photos! :(

The "Gateway to the Orient" is STILL under construction...with a lot of stalls. I believe they keep running out of money (so I've been told) and have to wait to obtain more investor money to continue. It's going to be MASSIVE whenever it gets completed. I sure hope to see it completed before we leave... but at the rate it's going; I have my doubts. 

   So, that in a nutshell; is what has been going on here. I am still having issues trying to post through Blogspot (Google). I am going to look into moving my blog to a different server/provider to see if it may be easier to log on and post.
   It's now been over two years that I've lived here, and it feels more like home and I feel much more comfortable here. It's easier to get around, to find grocery items, and just make a life here in general. I am extremely blessed to have this opportunity to live abroad and make friends from all over the world. I look forward to heading home in 2.5 weeks for a big chunk of the summer (I will be home from May 24th-August 9th). I am hoping to reconnect with friends and spend time with my family. Mark will even be home in mid June for a couple of weeks as well. It will be nice to spend time together as a big, loud, crazy family that we are! It's going to be a GREAT summer!