The original date for our departure was supposed to be tomorrow (YIKES!) but, with the holidays and a mishap with Mark's work visa, we have been delayed by a week. Our date to leave is now January 9th. I have mixed feelings about this. I keep thinking of more things that I need to get to pack for the shipment over to China, and it also increases my anxiety over this whole new adventure. On the plus side, it gives me more time to spend with my family, and see a few more friends before I go.
Being the strong, independent woman I am, I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am currently not working, not bringing in any income, and solely supported by my husband. This brings up many different emotions and feelings. While I am grateful that we are able to do this, and I can concentrate on school without the demands of a daily job to go to, it still makes me have a feeling of vulnerability that I am not at all used to. I got a paper route at twelve years old and have worked ever since! To stop working after thirty-four years is kinda scary!! Thank goodness for my ever supportive husband who does understand my quirky feelings of vulnerability and my feelings of not contributing monetarily to our income. He's a peach, that's for sure!
So the countdown begins....
I love that you are starting a blog about your adventures.