Friday, April 15, 2011

The down side....

Oh yes...there are down sides to living in a foreign land. The biggest one (besides the language barrier, missing family, favorite foods being unavailable, missing friends from home, get the picture...)is making friends in this foreign land of China and having to say goodbye to them because they are going back to the their "homelands".
I attended a lunch for Christine (part of my "Four Friend Posse") yesterday. She and her husband (along with her dog Charley) are heading back to the good ole' USA next Wednesday. I am going to miss her something terrible. She is an absolute hoot to be around and we always have so much fun together on our outings! The plus side, Christine and her husband are going to Michigan! Yes, the greater Detroit area too. We will still be able to see each other this summer when I get home and spend time together! She is not originally from there, but that is where her husband's company wants "Welcome to Michigan!" I lucked out on that one, but I do know it will be extremely difficult to say good-bye to others as they leave and not be able to spend time with them regularly. I can't even think about it without getting a bit teary-eyed. So many of these women have helped me to navigate this adventure by showing me where things are, how to get around, including me in outings and activities, and just being there to let me know I am not alone. What a sisterhood it is here! So, it's really sad to have to say good-bye.
Okay..... pictures are supposed to be here, but I have NO IDEA why the picture icon to "insert image" is not working but I can tell you's annoying me! Sometimes technology just makes me crazy!! Hopefully I can get them to post in a different posting. I will continue to try.
After the lunch, Mr . Shen drove Pam and I to the local fruit/ vegetable market. I needed to get some produce and Pam is always up to go places! :) So, off we go. I picked up some apples, grapes, and clementines. I also got some peppers and potatoes. Oh, and eggs! Incredibly large fresh brown eggs! but alas, I am unable to post them. The funny thing was, my bag was extremely heavy, so I told Pam, "I think I have more stuff in here than I bag weighs a ton!" I check, and sure enough I have a bag of 5-6 apples (they are huge!)Plus, the bag of two that I bought. So, I take them back to the vendor...smiles and thank you's! :) We get what we we go to head home. Drop Pam off, then to the apartment for me. Thank Mr. Shen for the safe ride, and off he goes. I get up to the apartment and I discover more things in my bag that I did not purchase! There is another bag of grapes (enough to feed an Army) and some little yellow/brown things (I have NO CLUE what these are!) I feel bad because I did not purchase these items and they ended up in my bag. The only thing I can think of, is one of the lovely girls at the fruit stand put them in my bag, and I put my purchases in too. Well, I'll be eating A LOT of fruit this week!
I had Chinese language class also. Ashley came at 7:00PM and we had class (Mark is in Germany, so this is solo) I take the opportunity to show Ashley my "accidental fruit" to inquire what exactly are these? She tells me they are "Long yan" (Dragon eyes) Oh...really? Hmmmm...she encourages me to try them...and what do you know? They are good! to follow when I can get them to load! So, it was a good and productive... and I am a fruit absconder!

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