I finally awoke AFTER the sunrise today! It probably helped that I went to bed after midnight. I went and played poker last night, I got home around 11:00, skyped Mark, and put some laundry away. I forced myself to stay up later to try and get my body adjusted to this crazy time change! It hasn't been going well. With Mark out of town, it was way too easy for me to fall asleep WAY TOO EARLY...thus; waking up WAY TOO EARLY! Hopefully, that cycle will be broken.
This week has been fairly busy so far. I went to Monday AM coffee over at Starbucks by the new Metro line. I finally got to see Susanna my friend from Finland. I had lunch with a lady who had arrived in late July while I was back in the US. It was nice to sit and visit and get to know a new friend. It's been a bit weird feeling like a "newbie' all over again. There are many new faces and I just need to jump in and get to know more of the ladies. I joined the EAS board. That is the Expatriates Association of Suzhou. I am co-treasurer along with another one of the ladies I already know. I had not been involved with the board previously because of my obligations with Grad school. I figured I should get a bit more involved and give back now that I have the extra time to devote to it. So, the opening was for a co-treasurer...an that's where I was placed. I am meeting with M.K. on Thursday to go over roles and responsibilities of this position.
The gym schedule is going well. I did have an issue with my new shoes causing a really ugly blister on the back of my right foot. I am hoping it heal quickly and it stops bothering me. I am taking a break from the gym today, and will ride my exercise bike, and do the rowing machine. I want to be able to go to the gym the rest of the week. Mark will be home late Thursday...so that is what has been going on in my life on the other side of the globe. I am laying low today and going to organize my closet...h it m
needs it!
Till next time.....
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