Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Machines, buttons, and switches..oh my!

Things are definitely different here when it comes to buttons on washing machines:

Yes...those are the buttons on my washing machine. What do they say? Heck if I know...but I do know the clothes are clean when I take them out to place in the dryer (which takes FOREVER to dry clothes!). The squares all light up with numbers...and I have no clue what they all mean. Maybe one of these days I'll learn what they mean when I can get someone here to read Chinese and interpret it!
Take a look at the light switches:

These switches/buttons are in all rooms and it allows you to turn lights off in all the other rooms from the one you are using...pretty convenient huh? Well, I still consistently turn on/off the wrong one. Ask poor Mark, on more than one occasion he has been enveloped in total darkness ....thanks to yours truly. If you see, they have pics next to them to show you which rooms..I still have problems. Oh, and they are on the outside of the door. Heading into the bathroom, you better put the light on OUTSIDE the door where this lovely panel is located. I have been known to forget that too. What is wrong with ONE switch for that room on the INSIDE of the room you using? I'm just asking......

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