Monday, February 14, 2011

The week-end of February 11-12th

I made plans to meet C at Starbucks for coffee on Friday afternoon. She is such a nice gal, and I really like spending time with her. She is the one who has been here for 4 years and is a wealth of info. We had a nice visit and walked back. We talked about getting our spouses together and all of us going out to dinner,so hopefully, next week-end we can make that happen. Week days are difficult because the guys who come over here to work put in insane hours. They work all day come home, eat dinner...then the USA is waking up's more work..conference calls, emails and more phone calls. Mark puts in 16 hour days. It's crazy!

I got a bit of a surprise when Mark came home from work on Friday. We had planned to go to the Blue Marlin for dinner, but oh that husband of mine...he had other plans and took me to that wonderful Italian restaurant (La Cosa Vostra). It is sooo yummy. I tried a different pasta dish that was delicious. While there, the owner came over and said that he remembered I didn't care for the dessert I had gotten on a previous visit (it was chocolate cake...too dry and too bitter!)So, he told me he changed the cake and wanted me to try it and let him know how it was. Really? I didn't like a dessert and he changed the cake? Wow! Talk about customer service! Well, this was so much better! It was moist and decadent (being the chocoholic I am...remember this is a gal who has a magnet on her locker at work that states "Chocolate Slut")So, I guess now, every time we go there I'll have to have "my" dessert. Poor me! LOL!
We then headed over to the Blue Marlin for a night cap and listen to the band for a bit. I ran into one of the ladies I know who just got back from a trip to Malaysia. She looked like the sun and warmth did her good! I am very blessed to have met so many nice women here!
We headed home...because Mark had to work in the AM. It was a very nice "date night".

Mark is off to work, and I did homework and just hung around the apartment. It's a chilly day and cloudy...when is this weather going to warm up? I was hoping to go out on my Ebike, but it's just too darn cold!
We decided to try the pizza place that others have told me is good. So, we went to the pizza place, and I must was pretty good. It will do when you have a craving for pizza. They also have a special deal on Tuesdays with a buy one get one free. Sounds like a good idea to do this occasionally and freeze the other one and pop it in the oven on a different night. We then headed back home to the apartment and continued with watching the Showtime series Dexter. Oh...this is a great show! We are on season 4 and it's something we both like to watch. That is saying a lot, since we rarely show an interest in the same TV shows. Off to sleepy land and tomorrow is Sunday. Mark is off (yea!)and I am sure he'll want to walk over to Casa Zoe for breakfast (did I tell you what a creature of habit my wonderful husband is?) Till next time....

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