Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wednesday, May 30th

Wow....I need to make sure this blog will publish and see if there is a way to make it easier to publish from China! I had a heck of a time trying to publish postings last time from China.
  Right now, I am back in Michigan till September 8th. I had to come back in February to finish up Grad school. There is now three weeks of school left...and I will be FREE! WOW... A summer free of school.That sounds awesome to me considering I haven't had that in over 3 years!
  I will work at least 2-3 shifts a week once school is completed and save money to take back with me for my busy life in China which consists of shopping , lunching , and of course poker playing! A girl has to support her habits you know!
   So...that's it from here. I may post another time or two before returning to China. We will see. I just hope to be able to publish once I am back there to keep all my friends and family in the loop!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you posting again, my friend. What a great life you have in China! Every girl's dream. :) Hugs. xoxo
